Informacje o tomie i spis treści / About the volume and table of contents
Kevin Anthony Hayes Introduction
The History of the Witkacy Movement
Janusz Degler Dedication to the Founding Mother and Fathers
Lech Sokół Daniel Charles Gerould (1928–2012) In Memoriam
Anna Brochocka The History of the Witkacy Collection in Słupsk
Beata Zgodzińska The Witkacy Collection and Exhibition at the Museum of Middle Pomerania in Słupsk
Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz The Rules of the Portrait-Painting Firm (trans. Beata Brodniewicz)
Witkacy in the Realm of the Political
Daniel Gerould Witkacy and Conspiracy Theories
Witkacy and Polish Modernism
Anna Żakiewicz Witkacy’s Paintings as Frozen Drama (illustrations)
Małgorzata Vražić Witkiewicz-Father and Son: The Double Portrait
Michael Goddard Cinema, Insatiability and Impure Form: Witkacy on Film
John D. Barlow Witkiewicz’s Theory of Pure Form and the Music of Morton Feldman
Gordon Ramsay Futurism and Witkiewicz: Variety, Separation and Coherence in a Theatre of Pure Form
Between: Philosophy, History and Politics
Paweł Polit Philosophical Marginalia by Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz
Bryce Lease Cutting the Romantic’s Throat: Witkacy’s Nasty Nightmare
Mark Rudnicki The Profane and the Sacred in Insatiability
Questions of Identity in the Work of Witkacy
Ewa Wąchocka Identity Traps in Witkacy’s Dramas
Dorota Niedziałkowska Witkacy’s Self-Portraits as Manifestations of the Dandy Figure
Christine Kiebuzińska Witkacy and Ghelderode: Goethe’s Faust Transformed into a Grotesque Cabaret
Witkacy in Comparative Perspective
J. Greg Perkins Eluding the Void: Art and Humour as Anodynes for Witkiewicz, Beckett and Faulkner
Click here to read Issue 47 (4/2017) "Memory and (Counter) Monuments", edited by Carla Milani Damião and Natalia Anna Michna: Issue 47 (4/2017)
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Zapraszamy na konferencję:
X Ogólnopolska Konferencja Doktorantów
Kraków, 9-10 września 2016