Nr 47 (4/2017)

Informacje o tomie i spis treści / About the volume and table of contents

Wstęp / Introduction

Sadia Aziz Mosque, Memory and State: A Case Study of Jama Masjid (India) and the Colonial State c. 1857

Sonia Campaner Miguel Ferrari Memory, Monuments and Resistance: São Paulo—Paris—São Paulo

Sílvia Faustino March into the Unknown: Violence and Faith in The Backlands

Jeanne Marie Gagnebin, Carla Milani Damião Monument, Memory and Destruction: Voices from the Past and Cries in the Present

Dorota Golańska The Invisible and the “Matter” of Memory: A New Materialist Approach to Countermonumental Aesthetics

Natalia Krzyżanowska (Counter)Monuments and (Anti)Memory in the City. An Aesthetic and Socio-Theoretical Approach

Marta Maliszewska The Road Monument by Oskar Hansen— Critical Narration nad Commemoration Discourse

Małgorzata Stępnik Modernist Sculpture Parks and Their Ideological Contexts—On the Basis of the Oeuvres by Gustav Vigeland, Bernhard Hoetger and Einar Jónsson

Noty o Autorach / Notes on Authors

powrót do spisu numerów


Zapraszamy do lektury tomu tematycznego 47 (4/2017) "Memory and (Counter) Monuments", red. Carla Milani Damião i Natalia Anna Michna: Numer 47 (4/2017)


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Zapraszamy na konferencję:
X Ogólnopolska Konferencja Doktorantów

Kraków, 9-10 września 2016