Informacje o tomie i spis treści / About the volume and table of contents
Charmaine Carvalho Chick Lit in India: Possibilities for a Feminine Aesthetic in Popular Fiction
Zdeňka Kalnická The Gender Metamorphosis of Narcissus. Salvador Dalí: Metamorphosis of Narcissus
Zoey Lavallee What’s Wrong with the (White) Female Nude?
Carla Milani Damião Women as Constellation in Walter Benjamin’s Aesthetics
Adrian Mróz Imagined Hierarchies as Conditionals of Gender in Aesthetics
Sheryl Tuttle Ross (500) Days of Summer: A Postmodern Romantic Comedy
Marta Tużnik Blood, Death and Fear – Philosophy and Art in Relation to the Myth of Womanhood
Zapraszamy do lektury tomu tematycznego 47 (4/2017) "Memory and (Counter) Monuments", red. Carla Milani Damião i Natalia Anna Michna: Numer 47 (4/2017)
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Zapraszamy na konferencję:
X Ogólnopolska Konferencja Doktorantów
Kraków, 9-10 września 2016